Tools of the Trade: What Designers Use to Increase Productivity

Excerpt from the officeinsight article — May, 1, 2023

“Material Bank, a sampling website; OneNote, One Drive, and FreeFlow on iPad; Pinterest for image organization; and Revit, a drafting software. Adding an iPad to my work routine has significantly improved my productivity. In preparation for client meetings, I preload relevant documents to OneDrive for easy access. I also use OneNote for note taking, and FreeFlow for sketching out ideas. My note taking/record keeping has evolved over time. I started out using a single paper notepad, which required tearing the notes out and inserting into a folder after each meeting. If I wanted to have my notes with me for future meetings, I had to carry the notepad, folder, and any relevant documents. My productivity improved slightly when I started using a separate notebook for every project, but then I had multiple notebooks strewn about my desk at any given time. Using the iPad has organized all of my paper notes, documents, and sketches into one digital location. My desk is clean, and my paper waste is reduced.”



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