The University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry

YEAR: 2014

SIZE: 90,000 sq.ft.

LOCATION: Oklahoma City

Bockus Payne transforms University of Oklahoma's Dental Clinical Sciences Building into a modernized hub for dental education


Design Brief

Bockus Payne completed a full renovation on the Dental Clinical Sciences Building, home to the College of Dentistry on the University of Oklahoma’s Health Sciences Center Campus. The 1970s era building received a full face lift including the addition of a fire suppression system and an overhaul of lighting and finishes to give the building a brighter, friendlier, and updated look. The construction of the project was phased, to assure a fall 2014 completion in time for the first day of classes. A sixth floor addition is planned for a future phase.


Oklahoma City Fire Station #26


9th Street Barking Lot